Letting God Lead...

                                                 Image courtesy of jerrysavelle.org

A big welcome to Pee's blog. Thank you for joining me again. It has definitely been a while. Is it too late to say "Happy New Year"? (*covers face*) I am so sorry I have been away...special thanks to exams and coursework) I didn't imagine I would miss sharing my thoughts so much. Ok... down to the business of the day.

So my topic for today is about letting God lead you in 2016. In case you haven't already noticed, I love paying attention to the things around me and I use them to "preach". Let's just call it.. 'Pee's parable'.

A while ago, my absolutely fabulous cousin graduated from Uni and as you can imagine, she was the happiest. I mean who wouldn't! In anticipation for her big day, She had an outline of the order of photos for the day(like yeah... I know right), hired a make-up artist, professional photographer.. (rolling my eyes). When it was time to post on Instagram, obviously, the hard part was choosing a favourite picture. I mean... considering the kind of person she is, (yknow the kind of cousin who would call you to send her a pic of what you wore on Sunday expecting you to take a pic everytime you dress up... Anyways I digress) it definitely must have been "hard".

So basically, when "Miss Photogenic" decided to ask myself and another friend (let's just call her Jess) to choose between two of her favourite pics (now I'm wondering why she didn't just post the two of them) and asking for our opinions on which one she should post, myself and Jess chose 'Picture B'.... problem was that "Miss Photogenic" was more into 'Picture A' and was hoping that we would choose 'Picture A'. However, when that wasn't the case, she tried to convince us to look at the picture well and see what she was seeing... she kept asking "why Picture B?" well, we didn't have a reason we just thought it was the better one of the two since she wanted our opinion... or so we thought. We went back and forth on the issue and it was really funny. I said to her "so you had something in mind but you just wanted our approval... Not necessarily our opinion". (Ok.. On a serious note, am I the only one who finds it annoying when someone is asking for my opinion but doesn't really care about it... Not like we do not all do it.) #GuiltyAsCharged.

Anyways, during one of my random moments with H.S (If you don't know who H.S is.... We'll just visit that topic another day). He said to me... "You know that's how you all are" and I was wondering we..? How..? And he gave me instances. (I think it is 'eye-opening' how much we can see differently when we see from God's perspective) Most times when we go to God in prayer we're not exactly seeking  his opinion, we just want him to put a stamp on the things we already want for ourselves. For instance, you're going for a job interview and you're praying to God for the job to be yours without even asking if it is His will for you to work there. Another common scenario is praying for a marriage to work out without receiving a confirmation from God that s/he is the right one.

I think the hardest prayer to pray is to pray for God's will to be done because at that point, you understand your vulnerability. You understand the fact that God's will for you might mean a few "failures", it might mean heartaches because He might not approve what you want for yourself. Having the boldness to pray for God's will to be done indicates spiritual maturity. It means you acknowledge the fact that in as much as you want something for yourself so badly, God has something better in store for you and because He is a loving father, He'll give you the best.

Without trying to sound like a priest, I'm not saying it is palatable to pray for God's will to be done in our lives. I'm just saying it's easier to tell God our plans when what we really should be doing is asking him what His plans for us are. As humans, we are limited in our ability to foresee, plus, when we crave something, the euphoria or desperation or whatever overwhelming emotion we're going through at the time inhibits our sense of proper judgment and sometimes it can cause us to self-destruct.

In 2016, please, let God lead you. He is more than willing. All he needs from you, is to "trust and obey". I'll leave you with a quote to ponder on: "Those who walk with God always reach their destination".

Special thanks to my darling sister for being the inspiration for my post today. Yknow I love you :)

A special thanks to everyone reading 'Pee's blog', giving me feedback and telling me how much they look forward to my posts. You inspire me to keep going so, a big "Thank You"!

Oh! Just incase you couldn't figure it out. H.S = Holy Spirit. I like to call him 'H.S' :) I can't believe my housemate thought it was Harry Styles (like seriously...? LOL)

A very happy birthday to two of my favourite people. Ibidapo & Rana. I can't thank God enough for bringing you my way.

Have an amazing rest-of-the week!

Love always,


  1. Hello Pee
    I just discovered your blog and I must say it's awesome! Although this writeup was meant to be for 2016,it's not too late for me to start now. Thanks so much for this.... Remain blessed!

    1. Hi Favour. Thanks for stopping by Pee's blog! I haven't been here in a while but it's never too late to let God lead 😊 Xoxo!


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