Official Blog Opening (Yay!)

Thank you for visiting Pee's blog. I am indeed honoured  to have you visit. I have contemplated blogging for a long time and too many people have told me to go into some form of writing which I have dragged for way too long. After the story/experience I shared on the 24th of October about the phase I went through when my father passed on Facebook (link will be posted at the end of this post), I received so much loving and heartwarming feedback and I know that the time has come for me to reach out to people in the way I know best- by writing! Never in my imagination did I expect a simple post to touch so many hearts. Thank you all so much. Well to you all who insisted (especially Mum; oh... and Dapo) you won! :)

 I am sure you are wondering... "so; why am I here"? well, this is not a fashion or food or book review blog (maybe I would deviate once in a while but...) I  have realised that a lot of people are going through genuinely difficult and emotionally-draining life challenges and need to talk to someone and let it all out. Also, if you experienced and scaled-through a difficult phase, why not share your success story and give someone another reason to live. This blog is simply to let you know that no matter what you are going through, you are NOT alone. Someone has passed through that phase before and someone else will pass through the same phase after you.

Ok.. so in subsequent weeks, I will be going through topics that seem to be affecting people a lot but I would not be doing this alone and will be needing your help. Yes- YOU!

If you would like an answer, advise or would just like to share your experience(s) about a difficult situation, please send an email to or and you can be sure to get the help, advise, and/or support you need. You do not know whose life you might be saving just by sharing your experience. Please do not forget to title any story you are sending in as "Dear Pee" and not to worry, all stories remain anonymous. 

It is indeed my hope and prayer that this blog will provide you with encouragement, refreshing, pleasant and life-changing memories. Once again, WELCOME!

Link to my Facebook Post

Image courtesy of Google 


  1. Bookmarked already.... I hope this brings as much relief and joy to you and also to those whom you seek to reach out to.

  2. Thanks dear. I appreciate!

  3. Amazing Pee! What more can i say... You got all my support darling. God bless you as u reach out to others. Muah

  4. Hey dear....
    You nailed it.
    Lets enjoy the ride.
    Do you know its fun now sharing those things that ones brought tears to your eye?

    1. I can totally relate! It is always joyful finding light at the end of the tunnel.


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